Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The ones the Church forgot

We're the ones the Church forgot
We miss the standards of the pius
We avoid the depths of the heathen
We wander around with no place to go and no place to call home
Because we're the ones the Church forgot

We grew up in your presence, singing hymns to God
The God you said loved us with a love you never showed us

We've prayed your prayer
and then you left us there
because that's what you want
A prayer to make you feel good, a prayer to 'save our souls'

But we figured out that a prayer means nothing if you don't know
If you don't know the God you prayed to, and you can't seem to find him
We search and search and search but your answer is only 'come to us'
We've come, time and time again, with our questions and our doubts
wanting your answers, but you are your answer
Your presence is your solution

We're the ones the Church forgot
We asked the questions you don't like
We found our answers.
They're not in bars or on street corners
They're within ourselves
They're 'love thy neighbor' and 'drink they wine'
But our neighbor is gay and our wine is strong, and you tell us those things a wrong
Our faith tells us to look around for our answers, the world we lived in showed us God
Redemption and Salvation came through the fires of trial
And our world, our God, showed us faithfullness
So we look to our world to see his wonders
Our earth is old, and our Bibles are new
Our God knows where we are
Even when we can't see him
But you still leave us to die

You may know our names
You may know our faces
You may know our pain
but you don't care
We cried out to you, and we reached out for you
But we are not like you, and we are not like them
So you didn't see us, you passed us by

You remember us when the plate is passed
but forget us when our times are rough.
because we're the ones the Church forgot

When we come across your mind, you think of how wrong we are
But then you go back to your pew.
Because we're the ones the Church forgot
The hands of Christ pushed us aside
and His legs walked around us.
Because we're the ones the Church forgot

But we did not forget the Church
the "Body of Christ", the worst enemy of God
We will come to you, we will share our answers
We will share our wisdom
We will bare your burdens and we will know His name
Because we're the ones the Church forgot